Saturday, April 30, 2011

Inspiration | Environment

Environmental Touches Always Amazing

Narration by Abunsanda executive summary by

When the center along the sidewalks of Tokyo which is fantastic recent This, I was captivated by the scenery that the typical city metropolitan. Alley or city ​​hall is generally quiet and peaceful. Even if the audible voice, just

low voice, which brought breeze. And, the amazing, the hall floor at the edges clean and always planted flowers of different colors.

I always linger standing in front of these corridors. So Wiratmoko, one in Jakarta government official pull my arm to go from there. "Come on, there are many other sights are also worth seeing," says this experienced architect with a laugh. He laughed off because the hall quietly just fascinated me.

The two of us and some other colleagues, such as AH Marhendra, Hadikusuma, and Gede Wideade then walked and walked. We are reluctant to take a taxi (which for the rare 3-km course must pay Rp. 350,000), not really too interested in ride the subway. We prefer to walk away, as far as our legs could move. Tokyo's air is clean, nice sidewalks keep walking, and temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius make everything all nayaman. The body was so healthy. "Peru kt not bloated if we diligently walk away," said Wiratmoko.

It is a very worthy presented here are very generous Tokyo city authorities to build a sidewalk eye-catching, comfortable living. Generally, sidewalks are made of stone flooring marble and granite. Pavement design was cool. In many locations, sidewalk lane divided by two. Mining path close to the shops and famous cafes. The second pathway, which is close to the motorway.

Two paths were separated by a hedge of trees. The pedestrian path Second, which borders the road, also overgrown with trees. Be the sidewalk was comfortable in tracing. Many are also citizens of this city along the pavement while cycling, but everything goes safe. During many times to this city I have never seen a fight with the cyclists pedestrians, because the fight area roads. I also never see pedestrians and cyclists touched. They really live full peace. A number of cyclists  humming. "It's like nirvana or as if we are walking on clouds," Mahendra said in a superlative sentence.

Mahendra It was not too much to give a picture, but we did enjoy the atmosphere very fun. The man who became executive property is grabbed and moved there the inspiration to make a cool sidewalk in the area also several projects.

Salient aspects of what I see is trees shade in Tokyo treated wholeheartedly. The development growth of the trees was followed closely by the officers of planting the city. I am almost every day to find city officials to cut or clean planting branches of the trees that grow wild. They also do not cut trees that looked lethargic, but clean, fertilize, and always water the plants. The treatment is what makes the average tree is thriving, beautifully seen and the establishment of near-perfection. I often met with Indonesian developer who drew and photographed the tree shape and design of the sidewalks of Tokyo.

A big developers who requested his name not be written claim, he was amazed to see the style of Japanese developers to handle cleanliness in residential and commercial properties in the project. "Not a coarse net abysmal. Used to sit around tea drinking was fun," he said.

The developers of Indonesia are generally rich in experience. Work in the field of property for decades would make them have a high capacity. However, they are humble enough to come see the works of others, and enriching insights. Much inspiration can be obtained by enjoying the works of major developers in the world.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

interiors | space

Beautify bathrooms

Soul is like a ritual bath clean. Morning bath is an expression of gratitude and a symbol that we are cleansed to receive life lesson today. 
In the afternoon we take a bath again to give thanks for the day we have been through at once to clean the stain attached to the body and mind in our body.

That is why, for some people, a shower into activities that do not play games. They are willing to spend the time to linger in the bathroom to freshen up. 
No wonder also, many people dress up the appearance of the bathroom as comfortable as possible. If size is not too broad not matter, the important atmosphere to come to the purpose.

Beautify the bathroom is actually not as complicated as often imagined. Many simple tips that can be done to get a bathroom that was refreshing.

For instance, we use the bathroom shower. Usually only the floor beneath layered ceramics. Therefore, we can sow the coral so that when the foot is stepping on the area Shower, Felt like being submerged in natural river.

However, do not forget the water drain. For a small coral could impede the smooth disposal. We can provide insulation or a barrier for coral stones were not rolling anywhere.

How can we apply both simple shower curtain pad. Imagine if our bathroom dominated by white color and we put a red curtain as his accent. Beautiful is not it? Can we also install a shower curtain patterned or colorful.

If you want, we can put a small pot containing plants that require little sunlight. So naturally the more viscous impression when we move in the bathroom.Simple ways did not require a lot of money, provided since the beginning of our bathrooms are designed to be easily dismantled pairs. 
With a simple touch, our bathroom into a beautiful place and improve the quality of life.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living Home | Apartment

Between Subsidized Apartment or House in the Outskirts of Jakarta

As a center of government from the central business district, Jakarta, is promising a lot of things. What do you want all in Jakarta. No wonder that many people rely to earn a fortune ci Jakarta.

Unfortunately, land prices in Jakarta is less friendly to middle-class workers whose income classified as mediocre. As a place to live, of course eventually many who prefer to live on the outskirts of Jakarta. The reason, of course, because the land on the outskirts of Jakarta tend affordable.

Housing on the outskirts of Jakarta indeed become an idol for most employees who work in Jakarta. Clean air, land large enough at affordable prices, various facilities from the developer, plus access and means of transportation to Jakarta's growing full-no bus or train, it can attract people to live there. Especially for those who have a family.

However, it does not mean impossible to have a residence in Jakarta with a mediocre funds. All completely possible, especially with the presence of Government subsidized apartment.

Although the land is limited, at least you no longer need to think about the page because the subsidized apartment is offered also sports facilities and playground. Located close to transport any kind of Transjakarta, making it easier for you to reach their destination or workplace in minutes. Even so close can allow you to get lunch or just visit the child at home, so the quality of the relationship intensity met with child  remains well.

Houses in suburbs or subsidized apartments have the same positive things. You just need adapt them to the need for a place to live.

Comfortable working at Home

Nowadays due to the demands of work, many people who take home office tasks to be resolved. In fact, many are choosing office at home, because time is more flexible.

At work, of course we need a comfort to be able to concentrating and get inspirational ideas. So, obviously this is the time to create a comfortable working space at home. This space does not have to make additionalnew space.

You can save the budget with the creative use of existing space, such as decorating the garage, warehouse, or home corner area.

This presents several tips for a comfortable working space in your home.

Notice the layout of the room. You need to look at the location where the furniture-work with the detail in accordance with the shape of the room. As the location of the computer desk, keep the monitor is not directly facing the window ata usumber other light, so as not menyilakukan eyes when working.

Choosing furniture functional and efficient. Workspace will not escape from the need desks and ergonomic chairs. We suggest you choose a chair with rollers underneath to ease the move.

Favorite wall paint color
. Because working at home, then berkreasilah meyulap vesi your workspace. Pick your paint colors faovirt. Sky blue or lime green are able to start to build your inspirational mood.

Decorative color accents. Not only from wall paint, the colors of your choice can be present in the form of trinkets room. For example, wall decor can disisati with a display of photographs, wall clocks unique designs or a movie poster or landscape with bright accents. Colorful upholstery sofa, chair or pillows were able to increase the splendor of your work space.

Storage. Let's not put a variety of storage-large bulky items in your workspace. Such as bookshelves, CD racks, or where to put the files of paper. Choose furniture that looks at once minimalist aesthetic, such as made ​​from mild steel or plastic and make use of every drawer in the study.

A healthy space. Your work space must have adequate light, to maximize the window and lights work. In additional it, wanted to good air flow to support the concentration. Try to keep no ventilation, windows, and doors that is able to expedite the circulation of air in the room.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sea of Page Back

Sea of Page Back


One of the favorite places in the house and Luh Suartini Hardiman is the backyard on the third floor. Page not concrete area of 5 x 9 meter behind the guest bedroom. In it, there is a small wooden hut called the hall dazed.

From that page, they usually relax while watching the high seas in Satellite Beach, Singaraja, which is only about 300 meters. Incidentally, the page that faces north so that they freely enjoy the sunrise from the right and sink on the left.

"This is a luxury for us. We used to hang out here. I often bring my laptop to write, but often ended up falling asleep, "said Hardiman.

Sometimes, Hardiman also invited some artist friends to relax there. "Some friends poet says, should be relaxed and beautiful from where it can be born poetry. But, in fact until now is not born of poetry as well, "said the young man who now also cultivate the literary world.

Properti | investment

Investing through property

By Denis IBS

Houses (Lander house) or other form of shelter, often a long term investment option. The price or value a stable and even tended to continue to increase becomes one of the main reasons that make the property sector is so lucrative in the eyes of many people.

On the other hand, believed that the residence into a dream as well as primary needs of each person, although his election was not as easy as turning the hand. This is because there are so many housing options from the developers, each of which certainly offers value-added.

In order to get around this, specify the location of the initial steps that can be done so that choice becomes increasingly narrow. Consideration must return to the self of each, about to choose a close to daily activities, to the suburbs a little further by getting quiet and relatively still sejuh nature, or even close to their parents?

The next step is to allocate funds. In addition to simplify the selection process, this step is important so that the bag was not conceded. As we say, larger than the pole pegs, should choose the appropriate occupancy by income and financial condition.


Compare prices between property developers and offer added value certainly should not be spared for the sake of convenience when habitable later. This step of course is a bit inconvenient because it means that should be visited one area to another, but to shorten the time and save energy, can be done by phone or come to the exhibitions property.


If you were interested in single occupancy, do not forget to look at the building. Do not hesitate to ask detailed things like ceiling height (the higher the ceiling, then certainly the better air circulation), the material used, or the wall next to the house together or not.

Similarly, if you want to use mortgage facilities, ask the bank about the terms of credit application, interest rates that occurred, or whether there yag promotion programs can be utilized.

Another thing that is not less important is the reputation of the developer, which it can be collected from friends and mass media information, or online media such as