Monday, May 23, 2011

Me and My house

Nuarta In the rustle of pine forest

In Kampung Tirtasari, behind the Housing Setra Duta, North Bandung, eight years ago, sculpture artistNyoman Nuarta planted 400 pine trees. Now pine itus seems to be a protector of three houses that stood on the valley.

By Putu Fajar Arcana reviews by DenisLeonardoDesign.Blogspot.Com

In the valley with the rustle of pine Nuarta shari-day fishing creative energy. In an area of ​​6,000 square meters also grow various fruit trees, like citrus, guava, sugar apple, and mango. Not far from the location of the bamboo poles mencucuk cliff valley. In fact, bunut trees with large trunk and may have allowed decades-old as grow wild. Could not help it became a nest of small forest birds and ferrets.

"In fact there are several ferret a benign parent. If I give the fruit, er even come. Usually in the morning or late afternoon," Nyoman Nuarta said in early May 2011.

Nuarta built three houses each devoted to her two daughters, Anya and Trish. While one another's house
which directly overlooks the valley has not been completed. That house later that became a place to live Nyoman Nuarta. "Now I stayed in a house Tasya, who happened to live with her husband in Jakarta," he said.

Although the status of the house "loan" from his daughter, an artist born in Tabanan, Bali, was built "studio", to be exact space work, on the second floor. He also has one other office in his bedroom. Just so you know, despite living as sculpture artist. Nuarta no longer holds the chisel for carving wood or stone. From the beginning he specializes pursue cast metal sculpture technique. Therefore, since the beginning of this artist also worked with the computer.

"It's no longer a pencil or paper to make sketches. I have been directly drawing on the computer yet despite three dimension, "he said. Investment in technology in the entire work process that makes the sculpture work freely Nuarta outdoor sculptures of gigantic size.


Three cluster of houses in the valley Tirtasari Nuarta property, in its terms, including three-dimensional house. "The whole side of the house given access to open space, such as garden and street. So, no side called back, "he said.

Nuarta make its way in between each house, then at his side like a tree planted in sugar apple and orange. In section front and side rows of pine trees. While in the central courtyard there is a swimming pool accident has not been enabled.

From the working room, either at room or near the family room, Nuarta can freely look at a row of pine or forest along the valley. From there, he could also look at the roof of his yan NuArt Gallery is located across valley. In fact, his workshop could also be seen across the third floor of his house are open.

It's a bit strange, in the middle of pine forest stands of three box-shaped cluster homes that are constructed of steel and concrete.

Nuarta have a specific reason for that. "If I use the timber, means it must cut down trees. Trees are not irreplaceable, man," he said.

He felt loss to plant thousands of trees around the gallery, workshop, and his house if finally build the house of emotion tree trunks. Outside of that, he says, from Bandung Lembang until there are faults that can at any time shifted to the earthquake, "Hence, the whole structure of this house is already into account resistance to seismic scale particular. We do not know when it will happen, "said Nuarta.

Houses in Nuarta should be a symbol of creativity. From the work space he designed the sculpture drawings, then cultivate it in the garage, which is roughly only 400 meters away, along with the staff and builders-builder. No responsibility responsibility, workshops Nuarta mostly open space filled with a variety of frame and parts of the sculpture large size that is being built. One head of a statue just can diameter 5-15 meters.

The valley and the sound of a waterfall that flows near his workshop has always been the natural voice of many that provoke creativity. That is, according to this big tall man, always makes her feel alive, "As if creativity is not water never been here, "he said.

Nuarta including artists who feel at home "roaming" around the house all day. "Most of my work space to galleries, cafes, and workshops, all in this environment, "he said. In an area of ​​approximately 3.5 hectares owned Nuarta We have the facilities before, including sculpture garden. "Everything I've made to feel at home working," he said.

When the woodpecker sang like giving a sign that the day was evening, we rushed upstairs. And from there green valley in view throughout the day ...

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